Wednesday, June 6, 2007

1st Edition of the Africa Enterprising Blog Carnival!

I am pleased to announce the first edition of the new blog Carnival for Africa Enterprising, which premiered on African Path this morning.

The Blog Africa Enterprising is the publicity arm of the Africa Enterprising Blog Network. And the aim is to promote increased awareness about Africa's trade potential by publicizing blogs and the bloggers who focus on business or entrepreneurship in Africa.

For those of you who may not be familiar with blog carnivals, here's a good definitionwhich comes by way of

We think blog carnivals are a great way for bloggers to recognize each
other's efforts, organize blog posts around important topics, and improve the
overall level of conversation in the blogosphere. Carnivals come in edited
"editions", just like magazines or journals. The fact that carnivals are edited
(and usually annotated) collections of links lets them serve as "magazines"
within the blogosphere, and carnival hosts can earn their readership by
providing high quality collections.

Since blog carnivals include lots of posts on specific topics, they also
serve as a place to connect with those who are expert (or at least highly
opinionated!) and those who are interested in that field.

The carnival went "live" on the African Path( ) this Wednesday June 6, 2007 morning at 10 am eastern standard time. Hat tips to Joshua for the great formatting job that he did on this edition.

The addresses where you can find past and future issues and links are:

Also, if you'd like to participate in this and or future issues of this blog carnival, there are several ways for you to do it.
  • you may submit 1 or 2 of your past blog posts about business or entrepreneurship, as it pertains to one or more African countries
  • You may write about the blog carnival.
  • You may add the blog carnival to your blogroll
  • Or you may join the discussion group.

Otherwise, we hope that you enjoy this first edition of the blog carnival for Africa Enterprising!

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